Saturday, December 20, 2008

Miraculously Passing Accounting

First of all I have to apologize, it's been forever since I posted last! Things got really crazy the last couple weeks of school with finals and all! But they're finally over and I'm so excited!:)
Well anyway I have a kind of funny story about my accounting class!... Right from the beginning of the semester I struggled with the dang subject. I absolutely hated (well still hate) the subject but of course I went to class regardless. We took a test once a week on each chapter, the first two days of the week we learned the information, the third day we reviewed, and the fourth day we took the test! Well I went to every class...did every assignment...went to study groups...studied on my own...and then nearly failed every test! I basically started to think that I had no chance of passing the class and that I would have to retake it anyway, so the day of our last test I somewhat guessed on every question just so that I could be finished! :) when I took it back to my professor I told him not to waste his time correcting it because I knew I failed the test along with the class! ha ha! He kind of chuckled and said okay I guess I'll see you at 8:30 next semester! I was major bummed because I couldn't hardly handle it once and then I was going to have to take it a second time! But the best news of this story is that I totally didn't fail!:) YAY! I passed with a C+ I was floating on a cloud the entire night! HURRAY!